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"How To" Library
Over 100 "How To" videos
This includes 18 playlists
are waiting for you!
I can trust my feelings to be right. I can be cruel. I can be naive. I am me. There is no one else like me on this Earth. I am unique. Why should I put myself down? I have power. I know how to ________ (insert your experience)
Fun Stress Exercises
1-The Lion 1-Open eyes wide 2-Open Mouth wide 3-Extend tongue and hold for 8 seconds This exercise improves circulation, washes away germs, prevents wrinkles and sore throats, drains stress. Try it. See how it feels.
2-Vitalic Breath 1-Inhale a few short quick breaths through the nose 2-Open mouth, expel quickly with one blast. 2 or 3 times only, or you will get dizzy.
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