Writing a Book Made Easy – in 3 Steps
Everyone has a story. So----you want to write a book, or have an unfinished book hidden away? Let's get Started!
1. Write Your Book
Fiction: You are painting a picture with words. Use senses, mannerisms, quirks.
Non-fiction: Focus on a specific market with a solution for a problem.
Memoirs: Select events in your life & what you learned from them
Let’s Talk: structure, ideas, plot, characters, style, & more. I have done all 3 Types! ++Tell me About Your Project
2. Publish Your Book for FREE - on Amazon/Kindle (KDP) guides you through each step, from titles, description, upload manuscript, set prices, design cover, preview. I used this for all 29 of my books.
3. Promote Your Book Who Will Buy Your Book? >> FREE advertising Post Cards, Flyers, Social Media, News Release, Blogs, Word of Mouth, Your own website >> Paid advertising Newspapers, magazines (on & off Internet), TV, radio, internet
Here's 9 More Tips
Write about a subject you love.
Establish a consistent writing space. ...
Hone in on your book idea. ...
Outline your story. ...
Do your research. ...
Start writing and stick to a routine. ...
Finish your first draft. ...
Revise and edit. ...
Write your second draft.
Check Out Kathy's Creations HERE
For More Help, Life Coach Kathy Thompson is available for personal coaching.
Contact her here: http://www.yesyoucanblog.com/services - [email protected]