I wanted to share a question, I received recently. They wanted to know how to recognize if their friend/partner is sincere and have true feelings for them. I'm sure many of you have asked yourself the same thing.
Check the eyes and smile. The pupil of the eye will dilate (grow large) if they are deceiving you and lying. Can they look you in the eyes? And check to see if the smile appears forced or fake. A mouth with clearly defined lips, the outline appears to have been etched with a fine pen. Also, if there is a perfectly straight line where the top and lower lips meet you will find a sincere a friend as you can hope to have.
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Check the eyes and smile. The pupil of the eye will dilate (grow large) if they are deceiving you and lying. Can they look you in the eyes? And check to see if the smile appears forced or fake. A mouth with clearly defined lips, the outline appears to have been etched with a fine pen. Also, if there is a perfectly straight line where the top and lower lips meet you will find a sincere a friend as you can hope to have.
Helping You Succeed is an on-going series. So return often. More help is waiting for you under CLASSES & SERVICES above.