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Here's 7 Answers!
1. You heart is electromagnetic, your life, love, intuition, your universe, and your history.
2. Never combine any meals with sugar or sugar sweetened sodas, etc.
3. Your eyes will show your true mental state. The more stress a person is under, the more it will show in the eyes.
4. All you need is faith, love, and you. Yes, you can F.L.Y.
5. People who are impatient (eyes set close together) over react, but get things done.
6. The best exercise to fight stress is deep breathing.
7. We have 2 (so-called) governments, 2 constitutions, 2 flags.
Life Coach, Kathy Thompson provides personal coaching on; Relationships, Wellness, & Spirituality, World Changes. "I’m here, I am listening"
Coaching Sessions; by phone, in person, email, or,
SPECIAL: Ask specific questions - $5 per question. Please use "Q&A" in subject. [email protected]
Here's 7 Answers!
1. You heart is electromagnetic, your life, love, intuition, your universe, and your history.
2. Never combine any meals with sugar or sugar sweetened sodas, etc.
3. Your eyes will show your true mental state. The more stress a person is under, the more it will show in the eyes.
4. All you need is faith, love, and you. Yes, you can F.L.Y.
5. People who are impatient (eyes set close together) over react, but get things done.
6. The best exercise to fight stress is deep breathing.
7. We have 2 (so-called) governments, 2 constitutions, 2 flags.
Life Coach, Kathy Thompson provides personal coaching on; Relationships, Wellness, & Spirituality, World Changes. "I’m here, I am listening"
Coaching Sessions; by phone, in person, email, or,
SPECIAL: Ask specific questions - $5 per question. Please use "Q&A" in subject. [email protected]