Need More Time 2
1. Eliminate activities which make little contribution to the best results for your life.
2. Always do the toughest jobs first.
3 . Before each major act, ask: Is this REALLY necessary?
4. Choose interesting and constructive literature for spare-moment reading.
5. Learn how to sleep. Sleep soundly, then work refreshed.
6. Skip desserts.
7. Stop smoking.
8. Write notes while waiting for others.
9. Combine tasks which are done in the same area.
10. Be prompt for all appointments.
11. Lay out your clothes the night before.
12. Relax. Ready yourself for the important jobs in life.
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1. Eliminate activities which make little contribution to the best results for your life.
2. Always do the toughest jobs first.
3 . Before each major act, ask: Is this REALLY necessary?
4. Choose interesting and constructive literature for spare-moment reading.
5. Learn how to sleep. Sleep soundly, then work refreshed.
6. Skip desserts.
7. Stop smoking.
8. Write notes while waiting for others.
9. Combine tasks which are done in the same area.
10. Be prompt for all appointments.
11. Lay out your clothes the night before.
12. Relax. Ready yourself for the important jobs in life.
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