I Remember,
A Perfect Day
It felt like it happened just yesterday, a perfect gorgeous day. I got a hug from a stranger at work (volunteer). He and his wife were spending the winter here in a campground. I told him all about San Marcos.
In the afternoon I went for a swim in the river with the turtles. The tiny fish were at my feet. My little blue dragon fly was on my shoulder, I call him “Brave Little Bug. While I dried off, I noticed a squirrel scampering nearby with 3 pecans in his mouth.
At dinner I ate on my patio. I noticed a large spider web spread out between my plants. and admired the artistry of it.
I don’t see a world of nations. I see people. And I enjoy my dreams more and more. I know my life here is only an illusion.
Not sure, what it all means. I’m ready, waiting for my mentor NOW!!
No serious plans, just looking forward to ------the future.