---------- with 6 unique unknown tips.
1. person is more open and positive when the lower lid of the eye is more curved. When the lower lid straightens out and becomes flat, they have become guarded or defensive.
2. A hook nose is good with money and business. (Stick to business with this person and ask for financial help.)
3. A turned up nose likes to be of service. (Ask them for help, directions, assistance)
4. A large mouth is talkative and generous. (Use small talk, and about their family. They like to be around people.)
5. A small mouth is brief and tight. (Come to the point quickly and don't keep them waiting.)
6. Eyes that are close together are impatient. (Be on time. Trust them to get things done right.)
Each face reveals its personality, destiny, strengths, and weaknesses. What a person thinks about most of the time shows up on their face. So their face becomes a road map of their mind.
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1. person is more open and positive when the lower lid of the eye is more curved. When the lower lid straightens out and becomes flat, they have become guarded or defensive.
2. A hook nose is good with money and business. (Stick to business with this person and ask for financial help.)
3. A turned up nose likes to be of service. (Ask them for help, directions, assistance)
4. A large mouth is talkative and generous. (Use small talk, and about their family. They like to be around people.)
5. A small mouth is brief and tight. (Come to the point quickly and don't keep them waiting.)
6. Eyes that are close together are impatient. (Be on time. Trust them to get things done right.)
Each face reveals its personality, destiny, strengths, and weaknesses. What a person thinks about most of the time shows up on their face. So their face becomes a road map of their mind.
For more help head over to The Success Store; https://payhip.com/SuccessStore