Here are 7 tips to help you fight stress and win: 1. Laughter - it relaxes and massages the internal organs. 2. Be Decisive - take control, make decisions and learn from them. 3. Turn Off the Television - take a break from all the turmoil & bad news. 4. Slow Down – moving, talking, and behavior in a better mood. 5. Record it – release your feeling, stress & frustrations by writing/recording it. 6. Reward Yourself – with one nice activity per day for small tasks & accomplishments. 7. Breathe - take 20 deep breaths a day and you’ll have it made.
The top stress reducer is……DOGS (pets). Remember stress contributes to half of the illnesses I the U.S. And about 70% of all doctors’ visit are stress related. More help is here.
The top stress reducer is……DOGS (pets). Remember stress contributes to half of the illnesses I the U.S. And about 70% of all doctors’ visit are stress related. More help is here.